There is a small, but fatal catch in discussions such as these. Modern information technologies are utterly dependent on the availability of abundant, low-cost energy (particularly true for AI and bitcoin). And that energy, despite all the arm-waving about solar panels and EVs, comes from fossil fuels: coal, oil and natural gas. (The consumption of all of these is steadily increasing, year over year).

Which brings me to my favorite quotation from Herb Stein of the New York Times, 'If Something Cannot Go on Forever, It Will Stop.'

Virtually all of the information that we currently ‘consume’ requires a reliable supply of electricity. Where will that information go if and when the electricity supply declines and then sputters out?

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Never mind that, what will we all do when the electricity sputters out? We think things are bad now.

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I have started a series on the theme of ‘The New Monasticism’. What happens when the electricity sputters out? One possibility is that the monastic orders will provide leadership, as they did 1,500 years ago.

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I have been enjoying the series. I have spent a lot of time thinking about, studying, and even living in intentional Christian community over the last three decades. I’d love to pick your brain about this stuff.

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How do you get left of Jesus? He's pretty leftist. 😁

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I want to be part of a society/world that thrives too.

I don’t think we can thrive when people are perceived as ‘other’.

I’m beginning to despair. I feel like we only have 20 odd days left before it all really goes under for us as a country and then what?

By the way, I think the algorithm is one of the worst inventions. It definitely is a cause of so many ignorant bubbles — well that and the people who stoke and feed the vitriol that ends up in the algorithm that creates and reinforces the bubbles.

It’s not like the algorithm is making the shit up! It’s just bringing it to the surface. Ugh. Why are people so….

Why wouldn’t everyone want to be happy. To thrive alongside one another other…

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