Hey, Trippe!

Thanks for the update. I feel as if I know you since you & Diana have messed up a few of my suppers. Wonderful stuff!

As I told Diana, I’m a 3rd-generation Universalist from the Magnolia State. I’ve been waiting an awfully long time for Christians to finally become acquainted with the research that has been ongoing, especially since the formation of the Jesus Seminar(I’ve attended a few live seminars.

This was my upbringing. Jesus was to be for me the exemplar for how I was to live my life. I needn’t worry about hell in the afterlife for we humans make our own heaven or hell right here on earth.

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Hey there! Thanks so much for reading this post and leaving a comment. Tripp Fuller is a friend and you should absolutely be subscribing to his Homebrewed Christianity work. Sadly, I am not him. LOL. This mistake happens frequently. I was just teasing him about it on Twitter last night. Seems it goes both ways. I hope you’ll pick up a free subscription to my work. I look forward to hearing from you again.

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I look forward to your next supper and to your new podcast. Best of luck in getting that off the ground.

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